About Rooftop Camping
explore the very special experiences of roof tent camping

Why choose a roof top tent?

The advantage of a roof top tent is definitely the independence from the ground. No vermin, no stones, bumps, dirt and whatever else lurks at ground level disturbs you. The ground conditions themselves, stony ground, wet ground or even uneven ground are no longer really a problem. You are safe from these things on the car roof. The setup is faster and easier than with ground tents, you have a ready sleeping place within minutes. The mattress or bedding can also remain in the tent at any time. Eternal clearing out – clearing up is thus saved. In addition, of course, there is the experience of roof tenting itself. While long-term travelers and long-distance travelers emphasize the practical advantages of a roof tent, other users are purely concerned with the roof tent camping experience itself.

What are the advantages of a roof top tent over a normal ground tent?

The first and decisive advantage is the independence from the ground. But further advantages can be quickly identified, especially for off-roaders and travelers off the beaten track. The tent is installed on the outside of the vehicle and does not take up any valuable storage space inside the vehicle. Storage space is a limited source on every journey, in every traveller vehicle and even in explorer rigs. The same goes for bedding, and mattress. With most roof tents, additional luggage or equipment can even be stowed away in the closed roof tent. Setting up and dismantling is faster than with a ground tent and the independence from ground conditions, ground temperature and animals is also a further advantage.

What are the advantages of a roof tent over a caravan or camper?

The first and decisive advantage is certainly the independence from a trailer. With the roof tent you can go anywhere you can go with the vehicle. Especially off-roaders would be hindered by a trailer. Added to this is the minimal space requirement. Depending on the tent, you only need the footprint of the vehicle and a maximum of some space next to it, while camper trailers need their own parking space. Doing without and reducing to the essentials are the keys when thinking about rooftop tent camping. Being able to set up your sleeping place anytime and anywhere is the maxim.

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